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Text File | 1994-12-10 | 17.3 KB | 633 lines | [TEXT/McSk] |
- ; Interface.txt -- interface routines 3:37:12 PM 2/4/87
- ; Fri Jan 22, 1988 12:52:12 version 0.3
- ; Fri Feb 12, 1988 13:35:10 3+ menus
- ; Wed Mar 30, 1988 13:37:36 'newer' routine
- ; Thu Apr 07, 1988 16:00:59 nested loads
- ; Mon Apr 18, 1988 14:06:09 restructure variables, echo
- ; Sun May 01, 1988 10:38:11 fix emptyFS to skip nil handles
- ; Mon May 27, 1991 17:41:00 use wne based event loop and zoomin&out handlers
- ; Fri May 30, 1991 05:09:00 handler for "high level events"
- ; Sun Apr 12, 1992 22:48:00 move tib and userVars from ainterp
- ; Sun Apr 19, 1992 23:24:00 apple events
- ; Fri Jan 22, 1993 19:28:00 fix KEYEVT
- ; Sun Jul 04, 1993 07:55:00 0.6.3
- ; Sat Dec 10, 1994 14:00:00 fix AppleScript error 0.6.4
- theWindow: DC.L 0 ; pointer ( 0 +md )
- WContRect: DC.W 0,0 ; ( 4 +md )
- WSize: DC.W WHeight,WWidth ; ( 8 +md )
- Activate: DC.W drop-Base ; ( 12 +md )
- Update: DC.W curs-Base ; ( 14 +md )
- Button: DC.W beep-Base ; ( 16 +md )
- YourMenu: DC.W menus-Base ; ( 18 +md )
- Runner: DC.W null-Base ; ( 20 +md )
- Closer: DC.W bye-Base ; ( 22 +md )
- About: DC.W doabout-base ; ( 24 +md )
- Newer: DC.W null-base ; ( 26 +md )
- Echo: DC.W -1 ; ( 28 +md )
- AppleMenu: DC.L 0 ; ( 30 +md )
- FileMenu: DC.L 0 ; ( 34 +md )
- EditMenu: DC.L 0 ; ( 38 +md )
- TextO: DC.L 0 ; TextOffset ( 42 +md )
- TextE: DC.L 0 ; TextEnd
- TextH: DC.L 0 ; TextHandle
- FStack: DCB.L 5,0 ; text block handles
- FOfsets: DCB.L 5,0 ; text block offsets
- FEnds: DCB.L 5,0 ; text block ends
- FSPtr: DC.W -4 ; file stack pointer
- Events: DC.W Null-Base ; 0. Null Event ( 116 +md )
- DC.W BDEvt-Base ; 1. Mouse button down ( 118 +md )
- DC.W Null-Base ; 2. Mouse button up ( 120 +md )
- DC.W KeyEvt-Base ; 3. Key down ( 122 +md )
- DC.W Null-Base ; 4. Key up ( 124 +md )
- DC.W KeyEvt-Base ; 5. Auto key ( 126 +md )
- DC.W UDEvt-Base ; 6. Update window ( 128 +md )
- DC.W Null-Base ; 7. Disk inserted event ( 130 +md )
- DC.W ActEvt-Base ; 8. Activate window ( 132 +md )
- DC.W Null-Base ; 9. reserved ( 134 +md )
- DC.W doAEvent-Base ; A. do AppleEvent ( 136 +md )
- DC.W Null-Base ; B. I/O driver ( 138 +md )
- DC.W Null-Base ; C. Undefined1 ( 140 +md )
- DC.W Null-Base ; D. Undefined2 ( 142 +md )
- DC.W Null-Base ; E. Undefined3 ( 144 +md )
- DC.W MFEvt-Base ; F. mouse & suspend/resume ( 146 +md )
- EventRecord:
- What: DC.W 0 ; WhatEvent# ( 148 +md )
- Message: DC.W 0 ; key code, wptr, etc. ( 150 +md )
- ASCII: DC.W 0 ; ASCII code ( 152 +md )
- When: DC.L 0 ; Ticks since startup ( 154 +md )
- Where: ; Mouse coordinates ( 158 +md )
- V: DC.W 0
- H: DC.W 0
- Modify: DC.W 0 ; State of modifier keys ( 162 +md )
- WWindow: DC.L 0 ; WindowPtr from FindWindow ( 164 +md )
- Clicks: DC.W Null-Base ; InDesk ( 168 +md )
- DC.W MenuBar-Base ; InMenu Bar ( 170 +md )
- DC.W DARgn-Base ; InSystem Window ( 172 +md )
- DC.W ContentRgn-Base ; InContent region ( 174 +md )
- DC.W DragRgn-Base ; InDrag region ( 176 +md )
- DC.W Null-Base ; InGrow region ( 178 +md )
- DC.W CloseRgn-Base ; ByeByeBox ( 180 +md )
- DC.W beep-base ; inZoomIn ( 182 +md )
- DC.W beep-base ; inZoomOut ( 184 +md )
- MFlag: DC.W 0 ; true if multitasking ( 186 +md )
- AEvents: DC.W ae1-base ; address of first AEentry ( 188 +md )
- AError: DC.W drop-base ; process AEerror number ( 190 +md )
- KFlag: DC.W 0 ; key flag ( 192 +md )
- doneFlag: DC.W 0 ; done flag ( 194 +md )
- openFlag: DC.W 0 ; open flag ( 196 +md )
- AEReply: DC.L 0 ; Apple Event Reply ( 198 +md )
- AEEventRecord: DC.L 0 ; Apple Event Event Record ( 202 +md )
- ; addresses beyond this are not documented relative to +md
- oldIdle: DC.W 0
- Desc: DC.L 0,0
- Scratch: DC.L 0
- SaveAERegs: DC.L 0,0,0,0 ; Dict,DP,IS,PS
- BigRect: DC.W $8000,$8000,$7FFF,$7FFF ; for dragging
- ae1: DC.L 'aevt'
- DC.L 'oapp'
- DC.W aenull-base
- DC.W ae2 -base
- ae2: DC.L 'aevt'
- DC.L 'odoc'
- DC.W aeopen-base
- DC.W ae3 -base
- ae3: DC.L 'aevt'
- DC.L 'pdoc'
- DC.W aenull-base
- DC.W ae4 -base
- ae4: DC.L 'aevt'
- DC.L 'quit'
- DC.W aebye-base,0
- Menus: DC.W Fmenu-base
- DC.W Emenu-base
- Fmenu: DC.W open-base ; Open…
- DC.W null-base ; -
- DC.W csave-base ; Save
- DC.W mon-base ; Debug
- DC.W null-base ; -
- DC.W beep-base ; Print
- DC.W null-base ; -
- DC.W by-base ; Quit
- Emenu: DC.W beep-base ; Undo
- DC.W null-base ; -
- DC.W beep-base ; Cut
- DC.W beep-base ; Copy
- DC.W paste-base ; Paste
- DC.W beep-base ; Clear
- ; addresses beyond this are relative to tib
- TermBuf DCB.B 82,32 ; command line buffer ( 0 tib + )
- ; User variable data
- StackSize: DC.W 2048 ; variable stack size ( 82 tib + )
- IntA7: DC.L 0 ; initial value for A7 ( 84 tib + )
- Rzero: DC.L 0 ; value for A7 after linking ( 88 tib + )
- Szero: DC.L 0 ; bottom of stack ( 92 tib + )
- Form: DC.L $FFFF0007 ; decaform record ( 96 tib + )
- Expand: DC.L 0 ; hold address of expand routine ( 100 tib + )
- FreePt: DC.W dictend-Base ; initial compile point freespace ( 104 tib + )
- FreeSz: DC.W base+32767-dictend ; max headroom ( 106 tib + )
- DictPt: DC.W task-theLink ; initial dict. search start ( 108 tib + )
- NBase: DC.W 10 ; the numeric radix ( 110 tib + )
- Held: DC.W 0 ; the HLD data ( 112 tib + )
- DoesAddr: DC.L 0 ; "does>" jump address ( 114 tib + )
- fcolon: DC.B 0 ; compile mode ( 118 tib + )
- fimmed: DC.B 0 ; immediate flag ( 119 tib + )
- fneg: DC.B 0 ; negative flag ( 120 tib + )
- fint: DC.B $80 ; interactive mode ( 121 tib + )
- fmacro: DC.W 0 ; macro flag+filler ( 122 tib + )
- ; ----- Startup Code -----
- MacStart: ; load the menus, setup a window and create a data block
- MOVEQ #1,D3
- @0: CLR.L -(SP) ; room
- MOVE D3,-(SP) ; Push menu ID
- _GetRMenu ; Get menu from resource.
- MOVE D3,D0
- SUBQ #1,D0
- ASL #2,D0
- LEA AppleMenu,A0 ; menu handle data area
- MOVE.L (SP),0(A0,D0.W) ; Save it.
- CLR -(SP) ; Push a 0 for append.
- _InsertMenu
- ADDQ #1,D3
- CMP #4,D3
- BNE.S @0 ; do the next menu
- MOVE.L AppleMenu,-(SP)
- MOVE.L #'DRVR',-(SP) ; Load all DRVR resource types.
- _AddResMenu ; Add the DA's.
- _DrawMenuBar
- ; create a window
- CLR.L -(SP) ; make room for the new window pointer
- MOVE #128,-(SP) ; WIND ID
- CLR.L -(SP) ; put it on the heap
- MOVE.L #-1,-(SP) ; behind none
- MOVE.L #'qd ',-(PS)
- JSR qgestalt-base(BP)
- TST (PS)+
- BEQ.S @1
- MOVE.L (PS)+,D0
- CMP #$100,D0
- BLT.S @1
- _GetNewCWindow
- BRA.S @2
- @1: _GetNewWindow
- @2: MOVE.L (SP),theWindow-base(BP)
- MOVE.L (SP),-(SP)
- MOVE.L WSize-base(BP),-(SP)
- CLR.W -(SP)
- _SizeWindow
- MOVE.L (SP),-(SP)
- _ShowWindow
- _SetPort
- ; create a temp scrap holder
- MOVE.L #10,D0 ; this is just a size
- _NewHandle ; create a handle
- MOVE.L A0,TextH-base(BP) ; to hold clipboard data
- ; Check for multitasking environment
- CLR MFlag-base(BP) ; set MFlag to 0
- MOVE.W #$A89F, D0 ; _Unimplemented
- _GetTrapAddress ; NGetTrapAddress
- MOVE.L A0,D1
- MOVE.W #$A860,D0 ; _WaitNextEvent
- _GetTrapAddress ; NGetTrapAddress
- CMP.L A0,D1
- BEQ.S @3 ; no multitasking
- MOVE.W #$100,MFlag-base(BP) ; set multitasking flag
- ; install apple event handlers if running system 7
- @3: MOVE.L #'evnt',-(PS)
- JSR QGestalt-base(BP)
- TST (PS)+ ; check for gestalt
- BEQ.S @5 ; no gestalt, just return
- SUBQ.L #1,(PS)+ ; check for apple events present
- BMI.S @5 ; no apple events, just return * 6.4 fix
- MOVE AEvents-base(BP),D0 ; start rel addr of the events list
- @4: LEA 0(BP,D0.W),A4 ; start addr of an item
- CLR -(A7) ; result
- MOVE.L (A4),-(A7) ; push event class
- MOVE.L 4(A4),-(A7) ; push event selector
- MOVE 8(A4),D0 ; get rel addr of handler
- PEA 0(BP,D0.W) ; push abs addr of handler
- PEA (BP) ; push refcon
- CLR -(A7) ; not syshandler
- TST (A7)+ ; drop result
- MOVE 10(A4),D0 ; get rel addr of next item
- BNE.S @4 ; a zero indicates done
- @5: RTS
- ; ----- Event Loop ------
- doDone: MOVEA.L intA7-base(BP),A7 ; *** quit PocketForth ***
- doOpen: CLR openFlag-base(BP)
- JMP doload-base(BP)
- NextEvent:
- CLR KFlag-base(BP) ; clear the key flag
- CLR -(SP) ; turn all menus white
- _HiLiteMenu
- TST doneFlag-base(BP)
- BNE.S dodone
- TST openFlag-base(BP)
- BNE.S doopen
- MOVE Runner-base(BP),D0
- JSR 0(BP,D0.W) ; run the idle routine
- clr.l -(sp)
- subq #1,(sp)
- PEA EventRecord-base(BP) ; event record to be filled
- TST MFlag-base(BP) ; running multitasking?
- BNE.S @1 ; if not, do SystemTask/GetNextEvent
- _SystemTask ; handle DA's, etc.
- _GetNextEvent ; fill the event record
- BRA.S @2
- @1: CLR.L -(SP) ; 0 sleep ticks
- CLR.L -(SP) ; nil mouse region
- _WaitNextEvent ; get multitasking event
- @2: TST (SP)+ ; Is this an event?
- BEQ.S rdr ; no this is a non-event
- MOVE What-base(BP),D0 ; check the event number
- CMPI #23,D0 ; is it a HighLevelEvent?
- BNE.S @3
- MOVEQ #10,D0 ; remap HLEs to event 10 (IM VI5-12)
- @3: LEA Events-base(BP),A0
- hop1: ADD D0,D0 ; Calculate and jump to the ...
- MOVE 0(A0,D0.W),D0 ; ... rel addr of the routine ...
- hop2: JMP 0(BP,D0.W) ; ... in the Events list.
- ; -- Mouse Down Event --
- BDEvt: CLR -(SP) ; Result of find window
- MOVE.L Where-base(BP),-(SP) ; Mouse point of click.
- PEA WWindow-base(BP) ; Var. for pointer of clicked wind.
- _FindWindow ; Returns window region code ...
- CLR.L D0 ; ... (see p. WM-27 in IM).
- MOVE (SP)+,D0 ; Pop part number
- LEA Clicks-base(BP),A0 ; clicks is an array of rel.addrs
- BRA.S hop1
- MenuBar:
- CLR.L -(SP) ; Make room for menu choice data.
- MOVE.L Where-base(BP),-(SP) ; Mouse coordinates of click.
- _MenuSelect ; Get the selected Menu data.
- MOVE.L (SP)+,-(PS) ; menu ID and item to pstack.
- bra.s domenu
- DARgn:
- PEA EventRecord-base(BP)
- MOVE.L WWindow-base(BP),-(SP)
- _SystemClick
- DragRgn:
- MOVE.L WWindow-base(BP),-(SP) ; push The Window Pointer
- MOVE.L Where-base(BP),-(SP) ; push The Mouse Coordinates
- PEA BigRect-base(BP) ; The drag boundry limits
- _DragWindow ; Drag it
- rdr: RTS
- CloseRgn:
- CLR -(SP)
- MOVE.L WWindow-base(BP),-(SP)
- MOVE.L Where-base(BP),-(SP)
- _TrackGoAway
- MOVE (SP)+,D0
- BEQ.S rdr
- by: MOVE Closer-base(BP),D0 ; inital value: bye-base
- BRA.S hop2
- ContentRgn: ; select the clicked in window.
- MOVE.L WWindow-base(BP),-(SP)
- _SelectWindow
- MOVE Button-base(BP),D0 ; inital value: beep-base
- BRA.S hop2
- ; -- Key Down Event --
- KeyEvt: _ObscureCursor
- MOVE Message+2-base(BP),D0
- AND #$FF,D0 ; D0 has the ASCII code of the key.
- MOVE Modify-base(BP),D1
- BTST #8,D1
- BNE.S CommandKey
- MOVE D0,kflag-base(BP)
- @0: RTS
- ; Menu actions
- CommandKey: ; handle the menu choices.
- CLR.L -(SP) ; Room for menu data.
- MOVE D0,-(SP) ; Push ASCII.
- _MenuKey ; Get the menu data.
- MOVE.L (SP)+,-(PS) ; menu ID and item to pstack.
- DoMenu: ; Determine which menu was used.
- TST 2(PS) ; is the item number = 0?
- BEQ twodrop ; no menu selection, drop data
- CMPI #1,(PS) ; Is it the Apple menu? ...
- BEQ.S DoAppleMenu ; handle this special case
- CMPI #3,(PS) ; Is it the Edit menu?
- BNE.S @0 ; the last special case *
- CLR.L -(SP) ; Check if it's a DA window
- _FrontWindow
- MOVE.L (SP)+,A0
- TST $6C(A0) ; windowKind(FrontWindow)
- BGE.S @0 ; negative=dawindow
- TST (PS)+ ; drop the menu id
- CLR -(SP)
- MOVE (PS)+,-(SP) ; push item-1
- SUBQ #1,(SP)
- _SysEdit ; do the da edit stuff
- TST (SP)+
- @0: MOVE YourMenu-base(BP),D0 ; inital value:
- LEA 0(BP,D0.W),A0 ; do a double indexed reference
- MOVE (PS)+,D0
- SUBQ #2,D0
- ADD D0,D0
- MOVE 0(A0,D0.W),D0
- LEA 0(BP,D0.W),A0
- MOVE (PS)+,D0
- SUBQ #1,D0
- JMP hop1-base(BP)
- DoAppleMenu:
- CLR (PS)+
- MOVE (PS)+,D1
- CMP #1,D1 ; Is it the first item?
- BNE.S @0
- MOVE about-base(BP),D0
- JMP 0(BP,D0.W)
- @0: PEA WWindow ; Its a DA
- _GetPort
- MOVE.L AppleMenu-base(BP),-(SP)
- MOVE D1,-(SP)
- PEA (A2) ; name at here
- _GetItem
- CLR -(SP)
- PEA (A2)
- _OpenDeskAcc
- MOVE (SP)+,D0
- MOVE.L WWindow-base(BP),-(SP)
- _SetPort
- DoAbout:
- CLR -(SP) ; Room for which item number.
- MOVE #257,-(SP) ; Resource ID of AboutDialog
- CLR.L -(SP)
- _Alert ; About Item
- CLR (SP)+ ; Don't care which item dismissed.
- ; -- Update Event --
- UDEvt: PEA WWindow-base(BP)
- _GetPort
- MOVE.L WWindow-base(BP),-(SP) ; push for _SetPort
- MOVE.L Message-base(BP),-(SP) ; push wpointer for _EndUpdate
- MOVE.L (SP),-(SP) ; push for _SetPort
- MOVE.L (SP),-(SP) ; push for _BeginUpdate
- _BeginUpdate ; restrict to invalid region
- _SetPort ; specify this window
- MOVE Update-base(BP),D0 ; inital value: curs-base
- JSR 0(BP,D0.W) ; execute the draw routine
- _EndUpdate ; go back to current cliprgn
- _SetPort
- ; -- Activate Event --
- ActEvt: CLR -(PS) ; modify has on/off flag in bit 0
- BTST #0,Modify+1-base(BP)
- act1: BEQ.S @0
- SUBQ #1,(PS)
- @0: MOVE Activate-base(BP),D0 ; inital value: drop
- JMP 0(BP,D0.W)
- ; ---- Activate/Suspend ----
- MFEvt: CLR -(PS)
- TST message-base(BP)
- BMI drop
- BTST #0,message+3-base(BP)
- BRA.S act1
- ; ---- High Level Event ----
- DoAEvent:
- MOVEM.L Dict/DP/IS/PS,saveAERegs-base(BP) ; send along PF's regs
- CLR -(SP)
- PEA eventRecord-base(BP)
- _AEProcessAppleEvent
- MOVE (SP)+,-(PS)
- BEQ.S noaer
- MOVE AError-base(BP),D0
- JMP 0(BP,D0.W)
- noaer: MOVEM.L saveAERegs-base(BP),Dict/DP/IS/PS ; update PF's regs
- aepre: MOVEM.L (SP)+,A0/A1/BP
- MOVE.L (SP)+,AEReply-base(BP) ; store reply
- MOVE.L (SP)+,AEEventRecord-base(BP) ; store event record
- CLR (SP) ; return no error
- MOVE.L A1,-(SP) ; re-stack the return addr
- MOVEM.L Dict/DP/IS/PS,-(SP) ; stash the system regs
- MOVEM.L saveAERegs-base(BP),Dict/DP/IS/PS ; load PF regs
- JMP (A0)
- aenull: BSR.S aepre
- aert: BSR.S aepost
- aebye: BSR.S aepre
- JSR by-base(BP)
- BRA.S aert
- aeopen: BSR.S aepre
- BSR.S aeopn
- BRA.S aert
- aepost: MOVE.L (SP)+,A0
- MOVEM.L Dict/DP/IS/PS,saveAERegs-base(BP) ; save PF regs
- MOVEM.L (SP)+,Dict/DP/IS/PS ; restore the system regs
- JMP (A0)
- aeopn: CLR -(SP)
- MOVE.L AEEventRecord-base(BP),-(SP)
- MOVE.L #'----',-(SP)
- MOVE.L #'list',-(SP)
- PEA desc-base(BP)
- _AEGetParamDesc
- TST (SP)+
- BNE.S @0
- MOVE runner-base(bp),oldidle-base(BP)
- MOVE #odocidle-base,runner-base(BP)
- @0: RTS
- OdocIdle: ; Open the document in the idle handler
- MOVE oldIdle-base(bp),runner-base(BP) ; reset old handler
- CLR -(SP)
- PEA desc-base(BP)
- CLR.L -(SP)
- ADDQ.L #1,(SP) ; index = 1
- MOVE.L #'fss ',-(SP) ; desired type
- PEA 108(A2) ; keyword
- PEA 112(A2) ; desc type
- PEA 34(A2) ; data pointer
- MOVE.L #70,-(SP)
- PEA 104(A2)
- _AEGetNthPtr ; Get fssPtr at here + 34
- TST (SP)+ ; test for error
- BNE.S @1
- ; clear out a buffer for working directory param. block
- LEA 40+64+80(A2),A0
- MOVE #19,D0
- @0: CLR.L -(A0)
- DBRA D0,@0
- ; calc working directory here
- MOVE 34(A2),22(A0) ; -> ioVRefNum
- MOVE.L 36(A2),48(A0) ; -> ioWDDirID
- _OpenWD
- MOVE 22(A0),-(PS) ; <- working directory
- ADDQ #1,openFlag-base(BP)
- @1: CLR -(SP) ; Be neat
- PEA desc-base(BP)
- _AEDisposeDesc
- ADDQ.L #2,SP
- ; Pasting support
- ClearTermBuf:
- MOVEQ #76,D0
- LEA TermBuf-base(BP),IS
- @0: MOVE.L #$20202020,0(IS,D0) ; fill line buffer with blanks
- SUBQ.B #4,D0
- BGE.S @0
- EmptyFS: ; clear pending loads from the file stack
- TST fsptr-base(BP)
- BMI.S @1
- LEA fstack-base(BP),A1
- MOVE fsptr-base(BP),D0
- MOVE.L 0(A1,D0.W),A0 ; A0 has the next load block addr
- MOVE.L A0,D1
- BEQ.S @0 ; dont try to dispose of nil handle
- CLR.L 0(A1,D0.W)
- CMPA.L TextH-base(BP),A0
- BEQ.S @0
- _DisposHandle
- @0: SUBQ #4,fsptr-base(BP)
- BRA.S emptyfs
- @1: RTS
- Paste: JSR nocurs-base(BP)
- CLR.L -(SP)
- MOVE.L TextH-base(BP),-(SP) ; handle to the scrap data
- MOVE.L #'TEXT',-(SP)
- PEA TextO-Base(BP)
- _GetScrap
- MOVE.L (SP)+,TextE-base(BP) ; put the length at TextE
- MOVE.L TextH-base(BP),A0 ; get a handle to the scrap data
- MOVE.L (A0),D0 ; derefrence the scrap handle
- MOVE.L D0,TextO-base(BP) ; set TextO to start of scrap data
- ADD.L D0,TextE-base(BP) ; set TextE to end of scrap data
- _HLock ; don't let data move during paste
- CLR fsptr-base(BP)
- MOVE.L TextH-base(BP),fstack-base(BP)
- MOVE.L TextO-base(BP),fofsets-base(BP)
- MOVE.L TextE-base(BP),fends-base(BP)
- go: CLR.B fint-base(BP) ; leave keyboard mode
- JMP CRet-base(BP) ; get next line
- Pasting: ; GetInput comes here for input when fint-base(BP) is 0
- JSR ClearTermBuf-base(BP)
- CLR.L D1 ; clear the character count
- CLR.L D0 ; and the character
- MOVE.L TextO-base(BP),A0 ; set the input address
- @0: MOVE.B 0(A0,D1.W),D0 ; BEGIN get a character
- cmp.b #9,d0 ; skip over tabs
- bne.s @1 ; by substituting spaces
- moveq #bl,d0 ; in the input stream
- @1: CMP.B #CR,D0 ; is it not a CR?
- BEQ.S @2
- CMPI.B #78,D1 ; or 78 characters in buffer
- BGE.S @2 ; WHILE
- MOVE.B D0,0(IS,D1) ; stash it into buffer
- ADDQ.B #1,D1 ; increment count
- @2: ADDQ.B #1,D1 ; increment count
- MOVE.B #CR,0(IS,D1) ; stash CR into buffer
- MOVE D1,-(PS) ; preserve count for TYPE
- ADD.L TextO-base(BP),D1
- MOVE.L D1,TextO-base(BP)
- CMP.L TextE-base(BP),D1 ; IS the block done (TextO>TextE)?
- BMI.S tandr ; just type and return if not.
- MOVE fsptr-base(BP),D0
- LEA fstack-base(BP),A0
- MOVE.L 0(A0,D0.W),A0
- _HUnlock ; unlock the block
- BMI huh
- CMPA.L TextH-base(BP),A0
- BEQ.S @3 ; keep the scrap block
- _DisposHandle ; dispose of loaded blocks
- BMI huh
- @3: SUBQ #4,fsptr-base(BP) ; pop fstack
- BMI.S @4 ; branch if no pending loads
- MOVE fsptr-base(BP),D0
- LEA fofsets-base(BP),A0 ; set TextO to (fofsets+fsptr)
- MOVE.L 0(A0,D0.W),TextO-base(BP)
- LEA fends-base(BP),A0
- MOVE.L 0(A0,D0.W),TextE-base(BP)
- BRA.S tandr
- @4: BSET.B #7,fint-base(BP) ; set keyboard mode
- tandr: TST echo-base(BP)
- BNE.S @5
- JMP drop-base(BP)
- @5: MOVE #termbuf-base,-(PS)
- JSR swapp-base(BP)
- JSR type-base(BP)
- JMP doCR-base(BP) ; TIB count TYPE CR ;